Document Support Services in Detail.

Employment agreement preparation for Directors and Employees

Having a written agreement of employment is important for both Employer and Employee. This allows both parties to the Contract to know the terms and conditions, duties and responsibilities, before entering into a formal relationship. Let us tailor employment contracts that fit your Business's needs and are in conformity with the labour laws of Guyana.

Building/ Construction agreement preparation

Having a written agreement between yourself and a Contractor can save you from a messy situation later. Agreements for construction of even a simple structure can be complexed. Before entering into a construction agreement you should consider estimated start & completion dates, a defect or warranty period, How variation and change orders are addressed, whether there will be subcontractors, insurance coverage for liability and workmen and who will be paying for it, site clean up and trash hauling. Making sure all representations made by the contractor during negotiation are reduced into writing and of course payment schedules.

Debenture preparation

An essential financing tool for any Company. A debenture is the corporate equivalent of a mortgage. It is issued for a fixed sum at a fixed interest rate and secured against the assets of the Company.

Non- Disclosure/ Confidentiality Agreements

In business being discreet is critical, knowing when to speak and when to listen can sometimes make or break life changing deals. The ideal situation is to only work with and hire people you trust. However life is rarely made up of ideal situations. Sometimes in business you have to work with people who you don't necessarily trust. This is where a nondisclosure or confidentiality agreement can offer you peace of mind knowing that you can enforce the agreement if a business partner or employee breaches it.

Business to Business Agreement Preparation

Sometimes you are negotiating a deal with another business for goods or services and you know that this is just too complex or too much money to seal by a handshake. when you have that gut feeling you should act on it and have an agreement prepared.

Share Purchase and Sale Agreements

When you are buying valuable movable property such as shares bonds and other equities you want to make sure no mistakes are part of the transaction. Let us help you get it right the first time.

Share Class Structuring

Ordinary Shares are the swiss army knife of share classes. But it is not the only type of share class that is available. Share can be created to have preferential dividends, to have a superior right of being paid if the Company should be wound up. There are numerous ways share classes can be used creatively to serve the Company’s best interest. Let us help you find the best share capital structure for your needs.

Corporate By Laws

By Laws for Companies whether that Company is a Charitable Foundation, an NGO or a Company conducting business for profit have been a afterthought for most times. Properly thought out and draft By Laws can be invaluable to the longevity and good governance of a Company. So don’t make your By Laws an afterthought.

Share Certificate preparation

One of the most important activities a company can engage in is issuing share certificates. The issuing of share certificates is a primary method of raising capital. Preparing and issuing shares is an activity that is too important to get wrong.

Memorandum of Understanding preparation

A memorandum of understanding is an important Business and public relations tool. It is a document between two or more parties which express a convergence of wills to have a particular set of actions or activities take place in the future. However unlike contracts and agreements they are not meant to have any legally enforceable promises contained within. Let us help you to ensure you get a MOU and not a contract.

Joint venture agreement preparation

When a task or project is too big or complex to be completed by one business a popular solution is a Joint venture structured through a Joint venture agreement
This allows JV partners to share capacity, resources and risk for greater gains if successful. For a JV to be successful the parties must have a clear understanding of their individual roles, obligations and cut of the deal, and this starts with a well drafted JV Agreement.

Power of Attorney preparation

The power of attorney is one of the most useful tools for personal and business purposes. It allows one person to step into The shoes of another person to conduct transactions. This can be extremely useful in a business setting when you have to delegate your authority to another person with the appropriate restrictions and safeguards of course.